Online Symposium: Grassroots Innovation & Regulatory Adaptation
Food Trucks, Incremental Innovation, and Regulatory Ruts
Beth Kregor
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 1 (2015)
Regulating the Underground: Secret Supper Clubs, Pop-Up Restaurants, and the Role of Law
Sarah Schindler
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 16 (2015)
The Political Economy of Crowdsourcing: Markets for Labor, Rewards, and Securities
Richard A. Epstein
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 35 (2015)
A Conceptual Framework for the Regulation of Cryptocurrencies
Omri Marian
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 53 (2015)
Tax Regulation, Transportation Innovation, and the Sharing Economy
Jordan M. Barry & Paul L. Caron
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 69 (2015)
The Social Costs of Uber
Brishen Rogers
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 85 (2015)
Airbnb: A Case Study in Occupancy Regulation and Taxation
Roberta A. Kaplan & Michael L. Nadler
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 103 (2015)
Self-Regulation and Innovation in the Peer-to-Peer Sharing Economy
Molly Cohen & Arun Sundararajan
82 U Chi L Rev Dialogue 116 (2015)