Online Symposium: Presidential Politics and the 113th Justice
Amy Howe
83 U Chi L Rev Online 1
The West Wing, the Senate, and "The Supremes" (Redux)
Lisa McElroy
83 U Chi L Rev Online 8
Restoring the Lost Confirmation
Randy E. Barnett & Josh Blackman
83 U Chi L Rev Online 18
The Constitutional Propriety of Ideological "Litmus Tests" for Judicial Appointments
Michael Stokes Paulsen
83 U Chi L Rev Online 28
The Fight for Equal Protection: Reconstruction-Redemption Redux
Kermit Roosevelt III & Patricia Stottlemyer
83 U Chi L Rev Online 36
The 2016 Election, the Supreme Court, and Racial Justice
Erwin Chemerinsky
83 U Chi L Rev Online 49
Justice Scalia, the 2016 Presidential Election, and the Future of Church-State Relations
Marci A. Hamilton
83 U Chi L Rev Online 61
Donald Trump and Other Agents of Constitutional Change
Michael C. Dorf
83 U Chi L Rev Online 72