Volume 74.1 (Winter 2007) 1-408
Symposium: Intergenerational Equity and Discounting
David A. Weisbach & Cass R. Sunstein
Caring about the Distant Future: Why It Matters and What It Means
Tyler Cowen
Economic Growth and the Interests of Future (and Past and Present) Generations: A Comment on Tyler Cowen
Matthew D. Adler
Valuing the Future: OMB's Refined Position
John D. Graham
Discounting: A Review of the Basic Economics
Geoffrey Heal
Discounting Dollars, Discounting Lives: Intergenerational Distributive Justice and Efficiency
Louis Kaplow
Discounting . . . on Stilts
Douglas A. Kysar
Agencies Should Ignore Distant-Future Generations
Eric A. Posner
Paretian Intergenational Discounting
Dexter Samida & David Weisbach
On Discounting Regulatory Benefits: Risk, Money, and Intergenerational Equity
Cass R. Sunstein & Arden Rowell
Rational Discounting for Regulatory Analysis
W. Kip Viscusi
Temporary Legislation
Jacob E. Gersen
After Howard and Monetta: Is Ignorance of teh Law a Defense to Administrative Liability for Aiding and Abetting Violations of the Federal Securities Laws?
Alexander P. Robbins
Book Reviews
Statutory Intepretation and Decision Theory
Caleb Nelson
A Review of Judging under Uncertainty: An Institutional Theory of Legal Interpretation by Adrian Vermeule
Peter B. Rutledge
A Review of Sorcerers' Apprentices: 100 Years of Law Clerks at the United States Supreme Court by Artemus Ward and David L. Weiden, and Courtiers of the Marble Palace: The Rise and Influence of the Supreme Court Law Clerk by Todd C. Peppers