Volume 78.4 (Fall 2011) 1183-1685
Reconstruction and the Transformation of Jury Nullification
Jonathan Bressler
Against Constitutional Mainstreaming
Bertrall L. Ross II
Reevaluating Standardized Insurance Policies
Daniel Schwarcz
Empirically Informed Regulation
Cass R. Sunstein
Religioius Sincerity and Imperfection: Can Lapsing Prisoners Recover under RFRA and RLUIPA?
Kevin L. Brady
Lessons from the Past: How the Antebellum Fugitive Slave Debate Informs State Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law
James A. Kraehenbuehl
The Stolen Valor Act as Constitutional: Bringing Coherence to First Amendment Analysis of False-Speech Restrictions
Josh M. Parker
Abandoning the Victim Requirement: Clarifying the Position of Trust Enhancement in Federal Sentencing
Matthew S. Rozen
Untangling the Knot: Finding a Forum for Same-Sex Divorces in the State of Celebration
Nick Tarasen
Book Review
Are Those Who Ignore History Doomed to Repeat It?
Peter Decherney, Nathan Ensmenger & Christopher S. Yoo
A Review of The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires by Tim Wu