Volume 87, Special (December 2020) 2321-2503
Common Law Judging in an Age of Statutes
Douglas G. Baird - Harry A. Bigelow Distinguished Service Professor, The University of Chicago Law School.
Pattern Recognition in Tyus v Urban Search Management
Lee Anne Fennell - Max Pam Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School.
Substitutes, Complements, and Irritants: Garza v Lappin and the Role of International Law in US Courts
Tom Ginsburg - Leo Spitz Professor of International Law, Ludwig and Hilde Wolf Research Scholar, The University of Chicago Law School; Professor of Political Science, The University of Chicago.
Swanson v Citibank and the 1L Canon
William H.J. Hubbard - Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School.
The Double Movement of National Origin Discrimination
Aziz Z. Huq - Frank and Bernice J. Greenberg Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School.
Death as Divorce for the Abandoned Spouse: Davis v. Combes and the Cautious and Gender-Sensitive Judiciary
Saul Levmore - William B. Graham Distinguished Service Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School.
Harassment and Capabilities: Discrimination and Liability in Wetzel v Glen St. Andrew Living Community, LLC
Martha C. Nussbaum - Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics, The University of Chicago.
Judge Wood Meets International Tax
Julie Roin - Seymour Logan Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School.
Data Security's Unjust Enrichment Theory
Lior Jacob Strahilevitz - Sidley Austin Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School.
Migratory Birds and the Administrative State
David A. Strauss - Gerald Ratner Distinguished Service Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School.