UCLR Online
Title VII’s anti-retaliation provision is clear: if an employee complains about employment discrimination, it is illegal for an employer to retaliate against them.
Imagine that a convicted felon in Illinois is pulled over by the police. He hasn’t smoked all day. Stuffed in his coat pocket, however, is a baggy containing marijuana residue—a remnant from several days prior.
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) creates a comprehensive federal statutory scheme to protect Native American graves and accord human remains and objects of cultural patrimony “dignity and respect.”
In 2019, Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. (“Halkbank”)—a commercial bank majority-owned by the Turkish government—was indicted for its participation in a scheme to launder billions of dollars of Iranian oil and natural gas proceeds in violation of U.S. sanctions against the Iranian government and related entities.
In the aftermath of a scam, consumers have government agencies in their corner fighting to refund their losses and shut down bad actors.
In August 2021, the Honorable Miranda M. Du, Chief Judge for the district court of the District of Nevada, struck down 8 U.S.C § 1326, the federal criminal statute that addresses “illegal reentry” into the United States.
After the Golden State Killer was arrested and sentenced in 2018, interest in investigative genetic genealogy spiked.
In his quixotic bid to buy and reform Twitter, Elon Musk swiftly arrived at the same place nearly every tech mogul does: he doesn’t want censorship, but he does want to be able to suppress some legal speech.
There’s something weird going on in First Amendment politics.
On November 19, 2021, Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of homicide charges stemming from his killing of two people—Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum—at a protest of police violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse had armed himself and traveled to the protest, purportedly to defend Kenoshans’ property against looting.
Content warning: discussion of suicide.
This case raises some difficult theoretical questions about what harms insider trading laws are supposed to prevent and what benefits they are supposed to provide to the marketplace.