There’s something weird going on in First Amendment politics.
Genevieve Lakier
Thanks to Monica Bell, Rabia Belt, Amy J. Cohen, Andrew Crespo, Aziz Huq, Elizabeth Kamali, Michael Kang, Andy Koppelman, Anna Lvovsky, Richard McAdams, Robert Post, John Rappaport, Daphna Renan, Geoffrey Stone, Nelson Tebbe, and participants at the University of Virginia and Northwestern University Law School Public Law Workshops, the University of Chicago and Vanderbilt Law School Work-in-Progress Workshops, and the Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference for thoughtful feedback, and to Graham Haviland and Elisabeth Mayer for excellent research assistance.Thanks to Monica Bell, Rabia Belt, Amy J. Cohen, Andrew Crespo, Aziz Huq, Elizabeth Kamali, Michael Kang, Andy Koppelman, Anna Lvovsky, Richard McAdams, Robert Post, John Rappaport, Daphna Renan, Geoffrey Stone, Nelson Tebbe, and participants at the University of Virginia and Northwestern University Law School Public Law Workshops, the University of Chicago and Vanderbilt Law School Work-in-Progress Workshops, and the Freedom of Expression Scholars Conference for thoughtful feedback, and to Graham Haviland and Elisabeth Mayer for excellent research assistance.
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- Volume 89.1January2022
- 84 SpecialNovember2017
- Online 83Presidential Politics and the 113th Justice
- Online 82Grassroots Innovation & Regulatory Adaptation
- 83.4Fall 2016
- 83.3Summer 2016
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