Many thanks to Michael Abramowicz, Amitai Aviram, Eric Biber, Ralph Brubaker, Thomas Colby, Dan Cole, John Colombo, Dhammika Dharmapala, Kirsten Engel, Lee Fennell, David Fontana, Eric Freyfogle, Robert Glicksman, Shi-Ling Hsu, Bruce Huber, Heidi Hurd, Christine Hurt, David Hyman, Charles Imohiosen, Eric Johnson, Robin Juni, Richard Kaplan, Robin Kar, Patrick Keenan, Dan Kelly, Jay Kesan, Scott Kieff, William Kovacic, Robert Lawless, Michael Livermore, Tim Malloy, Jonathan Masur, Jud Mathews, Brian McCall, Emily Meazell, John Nagle, Jonathan Nash, Lee Paddock, Richard Pierce, Jeffrey Pojanowski, Dara Purvis, Andrew Reeves, Larry Ribstein, Richard Ross, J.B. Ruhl, Steven Schooner, Karen Bradshaw Schulz, Justin Sevier, Jamelle Sharpe, Nicola Sharpe, Paul Stancil, Suja Thomas, Robert Tuttle, Lesley Wexler, Jonathan Wiener and Verity Winship for their comments and suggestions. Thanks also to the editors of The University of Chicago Law Review, including Liz Austin, Brad Hubbard, and Matt Rozen, for outstanding editorial support.
Thanks to my sister, Rachel Best, for valuable suggestions and assistance. Thanks also to Crystal Huang and Kelly Murdock for excellent assistance with the quantitative analysis.
The author thanks Faisal Alam, Jelena Kristic, Brad Reid, Chris Vidiksis, and Eugene Weber for expert research assistance. Thanks for helpful suggestions and discussion are owed to Marvin Ammori, Miriam Baer, Katherine Barnes, Scott Boone, Annemarie Bridy, Ellen Bublick, Robin Effron, Kirsten Engel, Tom Folsom, James Grimmelmann, Rob Heverly, Dan Hunter, Margo Kaplan, Rebecca Kysar, Brian Lee, Lyrissa Lidsky, Sarah Light, Tom Lin, Gregg Macey, Irina Manta, David Marcus, Toni Massaro, Milton Mueller, Thinh Nguyen, Mark Noferi, Liam O’Melinn, Jim Park, David Post, Christopher Robertson, Simone Sepe, William Sjostrom, Roy Spece, Nic Suzor, Alan Trammell, Greg Vetter, Brent White, Mary Wong, Jane Yakowitz Bambauer, Peter Yu, Jonathan Zittrain, the participants in the IP Scholars Roundtable at Drake University School of Law, the participants in a workshop at Florida State University College of Law, and the participants in a workshop at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. The author gratefully acknowledges the Dean’s Summer Research Stipend Program, Dean Michael Gerber, and President Joan G. Wexler at Brooklyn Law School for financial support. The author welcomes comments at derekbambauer@email.arizona.edu.
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