For helpful comments on earlier drafts, thanks to Karen Blum, Roger Clark, Barry Friedman, Christopher Kemmitt, James Pfander, Richard Re, Alexander Reinert, Lou Reiter, Jack Ryan, Seth Stoughton, and Stephen Yeazell. For help constructing the dataset of Ninth Circuit cases, many thanks to John Wrench and Anya Bidwell. For excellent research assistance, thanks to Bryanna Taylor and Hannah Pollack. Thanks also to the editors at The University of Chicago Law Review for excellent editorial assistance.
Vanessa Rivas-Bernandy provided extraordinary research assistance for this piece—thinking through counterarguments and limitations to my claims, in addition to reorganizing convoluted sentences, paragraphs, and pages. For very helpful comments, I am also very grateful to Elena Kempf and to participants at the October 23, 2020, Conference on Measuring Impact in Constitutional Law. I am very grateful for the financial support of the Carnegie Foundation, the Miller Center for Global Challenges and the Law, and the German American Academic Exchange Program.
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