2 Book review 82.3 Law and Subjective Well-Being Thomas S. Ulen Swanlund Chair Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Professor Emeritus of Law, University of Illinois College of Law Law and Economics Subjective Valuation
2 Comment 82.3 Truth or Unintended Consequences: Reining in Appellate Court Action in the Absence of a Government Appeal Morgan Yates BA 2013, The George Washington University; JD Candidate 2016, The University of Chicago Law School Appellate Law Criminal Law Sentencing
2 Comment 82.3 Sued If You Do, Sued If You Don't: Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act as a Defense to Race-Conscious Districting Caroline A. Wong BM 2012, Indiana University–Bloomington; JD Candidate 2016, The University of Chicago Law School Election Law Race Voting Rights Act
2 Comment 82.3 The Unappealing State of Certificates of Appealability Margaret A. Upshaw BA 2012, Macalester College; JD Candidate 2016, The University of Chicago Law School Criminal Law Habeas Corpus Jurisdiction
2 Comment 82.3 In Defense of a Strict Pleading Standard for False Claims Act Whistleblowers Michael Lockman BA 2007, The University of Chicago; JD Candidate 2016, The University of Chicago Law School Civil Procedure False Claims Act Pleading
2 Comment 82.3 Too Fast, Too Frequent? High-Frequency Trading and Securities Class Actions Tara E. Levens BA 2012, The University of Chicago; JD Candidate 2016, The University of Chicago Law School Business Organizations Class Actions Financial Regulation Securities Law
2 Comment 82.3 A Stern Look at the Property Status of Top-Level Domains William Larsen BA 2011, The University of Chicago; JD Candidate 2016, The University of Chicago Law School Intellectual Property Property Law Technology Telecommunications
2 Comment 82.3 The Imposition of Discretionary Supervised Release Conditions: Nudging Judges to Follow the Law Michael P. Kenstowicz BA 2012, The University of Chicago; JD Candidate 2016, The University of Chicago Law School Criminal Law Sentencing Supervised Release
2 Article 82.3 Performance-Based Consumer Law Lauren E. Willis Professor of Law, Loyola Law School–Los Angeles Consumer Law Dodd-Frank Food and Drug Law Regulation
2 Article 82.3 The Meaning of Legal "Meaning" and Its Implications for Theories of Legal Interpretation Richard H. Fallon Jr Ralph S. Tyler Jr Professor of Constitutional Law, Harvard Law School Linguistics Originalism Statutory Interpretation Textualism