
Book review
The Text, the Whole Text, and Nothing but the Text, So Help Me God: Un-Writing Amar’s Unwritten Constitution
Michael Stokes Paulsen
Distinguished University Chair and Professor of Law, University of St. Thomas School of Law.

My thanks to Gary Lawson, Larry Solum, and Sherif Girgis for comments on fragments of early drafts. (Do not blame them for what I say.)

Akhil Amar is an old and dear friend. We were roommates and constitutional law sparring partners as students at Yale Law School in the early 1980s. We disagreed wildly and occasionally vehemently—yet somehow still cheerfully—over many things. We continue to disagree over a great many things today—including (as this review demonstrates) nearly everything in his recent book. As noted below, I have reviewed two of Akhil’s other books highly favorably. See note 3. I hope he will forgive me this unfavorable— but still cheerful—review, which I offer in the same spirit as our dorm-room screaming matches thirty years ago. (You told me I could let you have it, if I thought you deserved it, Akhil. Well, here it is!)

Intellectual Property versus Prizes: Reframing the Debate
Benjamin N. Roin
Hieken Assistant Professor of Patent Law, Harvard Law School

Thanks to Lucian Bebchuk, Glenn Cohen, Einer Elhauge, Terry Fisher, John Goldberg, Allison Hoffman, Louis Kaplow, Scott Kieff, Martha Minow, Kevin Outterson, Steven Shavell, and the attendees at the Harvard Law and Economics Workshop, Harvard Health Policy Workshop, Harvard Faculty Workshop, University of Toronto Health Law, Ethics and Policy Seminar, George Washington Law School Conference on Government Innovation, and Michigan Law School Conference on FDA Law & Pharmaceutical Innovation. All errors are my own.

Constitutional Outliers
Justin Driver
Professor of Law and Herbert and Marjorie Fried Research Scholar, The University of Chicago Law School

I received insightful feedback on this project from Mitchell Berman, Laura Ferry, Kim Forde-Mazrui, Brandon Garrett, Jacob Gersen, Julius Getman, Michael Gilbert, Risa Goluboff, Pratheepan Gulasekaram, Aziz Huq, Jennifer Laurin, Sanford Levinson, Charles Mackel, John Manning, Martha Minow, Melissa Murray, Lucas Powe, David Pozen, Saikrishna Prakash, Richard Primus, David Rabban, Benjamin Sachs, Richard Schragger, Jordan Steiker, Matthew Stephenson, and faculty workshop participants at the University of Texas. I also received exemplary research assistance from Patrick Leahy, Trevor Lovell, Liam McElhiney, Jim Powers, and Brian Walsh. I completed various portions of this Article when I was a visiting assistant professor at The University of Chicago Law School during Fall 2012 and a visiting assistant professor at the University of Virginia School of Law during Spring 2013.