Foreign Sovereign Immunity

United States v. Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S.—the Conundrum of Foreign Sovereign Immunity in Criminal Prosecutions
Youssef Mohamed
Youssef Mohamed is a poet and J.D. Candidate at the University of Chicago Law School, Class of 2023.

أولاً الحمدلله و ثانياً الحمدلله   He thanks Kyra Cooper, Cheridan Christnacht, Matthew Makowski, Virginia Robinson, and the rest of the wonderful University of Chicago Law Review Online team for the care with which they have treated this piece.

In 2019, Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. (“Halkbank”)—a commercial bank majority-owned by the Turkish government—was indicted for its participation in a scheme to launder billions of dollars of Iranian oil and natural gas proceeds in violation of U.S. sanctions against the Iranian government and related entities.