This Article greatly benefited from comments and criticisms by Jonathan Barnett, Omri Ben-Shahar, Philip Blumberg, Lloyd Cohen, Bob Ellickson, Assaf Hamdani, Henry Hansmann, Christine Jolls, Sonia Katyal, Greg Keating, Dan Kelly, Dan Klerman, Yair Listokin, Tom Merrill, Gideon Parchomovsky, J.J. Prescott, Bob Rasmussen, Roberta Romano, Carol Rose, Alan Schwartz, Peter Siegelman, Henry Smith, Chris Stone, Bill Treanor, Mark Weinstein, and Ben Zipursky; and participants in the Law, Economics, and Organization Workshop at Yale University and the law and economics seminars and workshops at University of Michigan Law School, University of Southern California Gould School of Law, the Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law, and the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law; and participants in faculty seminars at Fordham University Law School, Brooklyn Law School, University of Connecticut Law School, University of San Diego Law School, Washington University School of Law, University of Illinois Law School and George Mason University Law School. For the central ideas, I am indebted to Fred Schauer and Steven Shavell, without whom this Article would not have been possible. I am also grateful for the financial support of the John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business at Harvard Law School. All errors, of course, are mine.