The authors thank Jane Bambauer, Tim Casey, Adam Chilton, Shari Seidman Diamond, Tom Ginsburg, Daniel Hemel, Bert Huang, Aziz Huq, Orin Kerr, Joshua Kleinfeld, Andy Koppelman, Genevieve Lakier, Katerina Linos, Jonathan Masur, Richard McAdams, Janice Nadler, Martha Nussbaum, Laura Pedraza-Fariña, Michael Pollack, Uriel Procaccia, John Rappaport, Richard Re, Victoria Schwartz, Christine Scott-Hayward, Nadav Shoked, Chris Slobogin, Deborah Tuerkheimer, Matt Tokson, and Laura Weinrib, as well as workshop participants at Northwestern University Law School, the University of Chicago Law School, the American Law and Economics Association conference, and the Privacy Law Scholars Conference for comments on earlier drafts, the Carl S. Lloyd Faculty Fund for research support, and Michelle Hayner for helpful research assistance.