Business Organizations

The Nanny Corporation
M. Todd Henderson
Assistant Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School

Thanks to Kelli Alces, Douglas Baird, William Birdthistle, Rosalind Dixon, Bernard Harcourt, Lee Fennell, William Landes, Anup Malani, Jonathan Masur, Richard McAdams, Martha Nussbaum, Randy Picker, Eric Posner, David Strauss, Vova Shklovsky, David Weisbach, and David Yosifon for helpful suggestions. Rebecca Fike, Nicholas Lawhead, and Ruben Rodrigues provided excellent research assistance.

Strategic Liability in the Corporate Group
Richard Squire
Associate Professor, Fordham University School of Law

For particularly helpful comments, I am grateful to Margaret Blair, George S. Geis, Jeffrey N. Gordon, Allan L. Gropper, Rich Hynes, Stacey Iris, Robert J. Jackson Jr, Alvin K. Klevorick, Jody S. Kraus, Jonathan M. Landers, Paul G. Mahoney, Richard G. Mason, Richard A. Posner, Randall S. Thomas, and William H. Widen. This Article also benefited from discussions at faculty workshops at Vanderbilt University Law School and the University of Virginia School of Law. Gabriel Gillett provided excellent research assistance.

The Creditors’ Bargain and Option-Preservation Priority in Chapter 11
Anthony J. Casey
Assistant Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School

I thank Daniel Abebe, Barry E. Adler, Kenneth Ayotte, Adam B. Badawi, Douglas G. Baird, Omri Ben-Shahar, Erin M. Casey, Stephen Choi, Lee Anne Fennell, Joseph A. Grundfest, M. Todd Henderson, William Hubbard, Mitchell Kane, Ashley Keller, Randall L. Klein, Saul Levmore, Douglas Lichtman, Anup Malani, Troy McKenzie, Jon D. Michaels, Anthony Niblett, Randal C. Picker, Eric Posner, Robert K. Rasmussen, Andres Sawicki, Naomi Schoenbaum, Julia Simon-Kerr, Richard Squire, Lior Strahilevitz, Matthew Tokson, George G. Triantis, Noah Zatz, participants at the Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association, participants at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Law and Economics Association, participants at the University of Chicago Law School Faculty Works-in-Progress Workshop, participants at the University of Southern California Center in Law, Economics, and Organization Workshop, and the faculties of Columbia Law School, Cornell Law School, Emory Law School, Marquette University Law School, Stanford Law School, the University of Alabama School of Law, University of California Irvine School of Law, the University of Chicago Law School, University of Colorado Law School, University of Georgia Law School, the University of Minnesota Law School, and Vanderbilt University Law School for helpful comments and discussion.