For insightful discussions and comments, I claim appreciation to Arnaud Ajdler, Ian Ayres, Michael Birnhack, Miriam Bitton, Robert Brauneis, Dan Burk, Kevin Collins, Christopher Cotropia, Kevin Davis, Rochelle Dreyfuss, John Duffy, Brett Frischmann, John Golden, Wendy Gordon, Hugh Hansen, Scott Hemphill, Timothy Holbrook, Bert Huang, Sonia Katyal, Amir Khoury, Roberta Kwall, Jeffrey Lefstin, Mark Lemley, Douglas Lichtman, Clarisa Long, Michael Madison, Peter Menell, Joseph Scott Miller, Mark Patterson, Anthony Reese, Pamela Samuelson, Susan Scafidi, Katherine Strandburg, Polk Wagner, Tim Wu, Shlomit Yaniski-Ravid, Benjamin Zipursky, and participants at the Seventh Annual Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, 2009 Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum, and in workshops at Bar-Ilan, Brooklyn, Columbia, Fordham, and George Washington law schools.