This research has been supported by grants from the John M. Olin Foundation and the University of Virginia Law School Foundation. The authors wish to thank Diego Leclery, Nevin Tomlinson, and Michelle Grabner of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for helping organize the study and Meg Scalia, Lindsay Bartlett, Doug Boyle, and Daniel Crone for their superb research assistance. The authors are grateful for helpful comments received from Margo Bagley, Tom Chen, John Duffy, Dave Fagundes, Dan Gilbert, Wendy Gordon, Paul Heald, Laura Heymann, Andy Johnson-Laird, Kay Kitagawa, Ed Kitch, Oskar Liivak, Orly Lobel, Lydia Loren, Jonathan Masur, Greg Mitchell, Jeff Rachlinski, Matt Sag, Rebecca Tushnet, Alfred Yen, and participants at the Licensing of Intellectual Property Symposium at The University of Chicago Law School, the Intellectual Property Scholars Conference at the UC Berkeley School of Law, and workshops at the UCLA School of Law, the Lewis & Clark Law School, and the University of Michigan Law School.