The Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) and the case law interpreting them attempt to strike a balance between truth seeking and procedural protections for criminal defendants.
Criminal Law
On February 10, 1995, Stanley Cottman and an acquaintance delivered sixty-five cable boxes to a warehouse operation in Kenilworth, New Jersey. At the warehouse, they spoke with a man who paid Cottman $8,650.
While patrolling one night in 2014, police officer Jeff Packard noticed a car with a hole in one of its red taillights.
As quantum theory developed, Erwin Schrödinger began to explore the strange results the theory seemed to predict. Oversimplifying, quantum theory proposed that a single atom could be in two places at once but that observing the atom at one point would cause it to exist at only that point.
The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) established the current regime under which federal courts address petitions for a writ of habeas corpus by state prisoners.
Magistrate judges are “nothing less than indispensable” to the modern judicial system.