Print Essay 83.1 How the Fourth Amendment and the Separation of Powers Rise (and Fall) Together Aziz Z. Huq Frank and Bernice J. Greenberg Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School Cybersecurity Fourth Amendment Institutional Design Separation of Powers
Print Essay 83.1 Big Data and Bad Data: On the Sensitivity of Security Policy to Imperfect Information James T. Graves PhD Candidate (Engineering and Public Policy) 2016, Carnegie Mellon University Alessandro Acquisti Professor of Information Technology and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University Nicolas Christin Assistant Research Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University Cybersecurity Institutional Design Law and Economics Law Enforcement/Policing National Security
Print Essay 83.1 Cyberwar, International Politics, and Institutional Design Daniel Abebe Harold J. and Marion F. Green Professor of Law, The University of Chicago Law School Cybersecurity Institutional Design International Law Technology Telecommunications