
Associational Standing under the Copyright Act
Andreas M. Petasis
BA 2013, University of Southern California; JD Candidate 2018, The University of Chicago Law School

Imagine an author. One day, she sees a website that allows users to annotate short stories in an innovative way, providing a variety of short stories with which to experiment. As she peruses the site, she finds that some of the stories are actually hers.

Schrödinger’s Cell: Pretrial Detention, Supervised Release, and Uncertainty
Eric J. Maier
BFA 2011, University of Michigan; JD Candidate 2018, The University of Chicago Law School

As quantum theory developed, Erwin Schrödinger began to explore the strange results the theory seemed to predict. Oversimplifying, quantum theory proposed that a single atom could be in two places at once but that observing the atom at one point would cause it to exist at only that point.

Between Here and There: Buffer Zones in International Law
Eian Katz
BA 2013, Yale University; JD Candidate 2018, The University of Chicago Law School

On a December morning in 2015, H.A. left early from his home in central Gaza to tend to his fields of wheat, barley, peas, and fava beans a couple hundred meters from the Israeli border fence. He arrived to find a low-flying Israeli aircraft spewing a thick, white substance over his farmland as it traveled south along the Palestinian side of the divide.

Taming Cerberus: The Beast at AEDPA's Gates
Patrick J. Fuster
BA 2014, University of California, Berkeley; JD Candidate 2018, The University of Chicago Law School

The Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (AEDPA) established the current regime under which federal courts address petitions for a writ of habeas corpus by state prisoners.

Revitalizing the Law That “Preceded the Movement”: Associational Discrimination and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Bianca G. Chamusco
The University of Chicago; MA 2014, The University of Chicago; JD Candidate 2018, The University of Chicago Law School

A deaf man is admitted to the hospital for emergency surgery. The hospital, unable to locate an available American Sign Language interpreter, relies on the man’s children to communicate with him.